
Friday, December 31, 2004

SMS donations?

Please donate for those who suffered in the Tsunami by sending sms to 39*** . Each SMS will donate RM1 to the victims.

Did you recieved messages from your instant messager? or via sms? or via tv? or via newspaper. Think twice before you doing this. You never know where the money really goes. There is totally no transperancy on how they are going to manage the fund collected. I never seen any given/printed statements on how the money is going to be used.

Please visit this link for more information. Think twice before you donation money via sms by those multi-million corparate, specially by those multi-million fat ass telcos. They never stated how much money they will take as service charge and from the link i given, it might my taking like 30% of the RM1 you donated.

So please donate in the form of food/supplies/cloths instead of money unless you are donating like multi-million dollars. You can get to show up in da newspaper by donating that large sum of money, and you can be famous. And please donate via bigger organzations than those "god know who are they and where they are from", who asks for donations by da roadside by selling ciplak stuffs.

It is good to help people by donating, but at least be smart, don't let the filthy people tainting your good will for helping others.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

No celebration for new year

Malaysian National News Agency :: BERNAMA

SUNGAI PETANI, Dec 29 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Wednesday that the government will not hold any celebrations to usher in the new year and called on all parties, including the private sector, to hold prayers following Sunday's tsunami which resulted in deaths and destruction.

Yup, da news was just realased, no celebration for new year this time. They will be no fireworks no stage perfomance no countdown on public this coming 2005 new year. This is actually a good move, at least our government did something properly instead of screwing us with stupid idea and projects.

Somehow I read from the forums that i surfed, there are people there who just worried about their "party". They were asking bout the fireworks and parties instead of doing anything good. Of couse its not wrong to party, but at least not in this moment where a tens of thousand people were dead and lots were still missing.

So please don't nag about no being able to party/celebrate. Donate those money/cloths/foods to those who suffered instead. Money should serve better purpose at this moment than wasted on drinks and so called partying /clubing!!!

Monday, December 27, 2004

Earthquake strikes Malaysia

Earthquake hits Indonesia, tremors in Malaysia, Singapore, Bangkok

PETALING JAYA: A massive earthquake hit the Aceh area Sunday and tremors were reported as far away as Malaysia, Singapore and Bangkok.

Residents of several highrise buildings in the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia were evacuated at around 9am (0100gmt) Sunday due to tremors following a strong earthquake off the west coast of Sumatra.

Highrise apartment and hotel residents in Penang and the Klang Valley were evacuated as a precautionary measure.

Earthquake striks Aceh this moring. The troumendous shake even affects Malaysia, and I think this is the 1st time that Malaysia has casualties (thirty something were dead and few reported missing) due to earthquake for the 1st time. The quake was rated 8.9 in magnitude. The sunami hitted penang was huge that it swepted people away from the beach yesterday.

"We've just updated it to 8.9 magnitude. That makes it the fifth largest earthquake since 1900," said Julie Martinez, geophysicist for the U.S. Geological Survey's Earthquake Hazards Program in Golden, Colorado.

check the link given below for photos taken in penang, somewhere near gurney and batu ferringi.
Photos of Penang 1
Photos of Penang 2

If you want detail info, pls check the link below
Thusnami Kills

Deep condolance to those who suffered in this miserable desaster.

Friday, December 24, 2004




好久没update blog了,原因呢?每当我提起笔(键盘??)想开始写些什么时,总觉得少了点什么。不知道从什么时候开始,我越来越不喜欢那些繁琐的事情,就连晦涩难明的小说/文学作品也摒弃在我阅读的范围之外。就连我自己的写作也一样,我已经把那些讨厌的文法忘得七七八八了。写出来的东西,也让我感觉,少了一点什么。



Sunday, December 12, 2004

My Little Bride 吾妻16歲

I want my little bride also.

After watching the korean movie named My little bride, this is the thought that pops up in my mind. Hm.... no particular reason, its just that the girl MOON Geun-young (文根英) is so cute. The movie really makde me feel good to be young.

Hmmm... yaya i know that its illegal to have a wife aged 15/16. Hmm... mayb getting a sister like her?? hehehe, yup definately would be great. Okay, here's the story, typical, but hey, its funny, and again, the girl is freakin cute!!!

Sang-min 是 個 用 情 不 專 的 大 學 生 , 在 校 內 不 停 追 求 周 遭 的 女 孩 。 在 加 拿 大 主 修 英 文 的 他 , 有 一 天 收 到 父 母 的 電 話 , 要 他 回 國 結 婚 。

原 來 , Sang-min 已 故 的 祖 父 與 Bo-eun 的 祖 父 曾 經 許 下 承 諾 , 要 讓 自 己 的 孫 兒 和 孫 女 結 婚 。 可 是 Bo-eun 只 是 一 名 高 中 學 生 , 兩 人 的 年 紀 相 差 有 八 年 之 多 。 即 使 兩 人 相 識 在 童 年 , 亦 只 有 兄 妹 般 的 感 情 。

兩 人 對 這 頭 婚 事 甚 為 抗 拒 。 於 是 Bo-eun 的 祖 父 扮 作 快 將 離 世 , 以 撮 合 這 頭 婚 事 。 結 果 他 的 奸 計 得 逞 。 Sang-min 和 Bo-eun 對 於 婚 後 的 生 活 相 當 不 習 慣 … …

And dont forget to check the given link above.

Thursday, December 09, 2004


佳礼中文 - 不可思议 - 实验证明:超光速飞行时间并不能倒流!爱因斯坦是骗子

  然后俺向前骑行,速度是10米/秒。那么相对于向后照射的手电筒,俺的最终速度就是自行车的速度10米/秒 + 手电筒的光速30万公里/秒 = 最终速度300000010米/秒,从而达到超光速前进。

hahah, yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Darn funny that fella!!!!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Free Gift!

tech4free.com - Pick the Perfect Gift!

Yup, ever see this on the internet? Do your friends send this link to you over your yahoo messanger/msn/icq or email? Yup, they ment good but please read the terms and condition properly. ITs Only for Us Resisdent. hehehe

There are free lunch in these world, but not im malaysia yet. EHehehhehehee

Sunday, December 05, 2004



一个做什么也快乐, 说什么也真诚的阶段


以上的文字摘自六楼后座这部电影。这部电影是由林嘉欣、卢巧音、周俊伟、邓健泓、周永恒、森美等人主演的。整出戏都环绕着这六个年轻人,和一个叫做truth or dare的游戏。




Karena则是一个漂亮的女生。她笑起来带着甜甜的小酒窝。好喜欢她唱的一首歌,歌名我忘记了。歌词的内容好像是这样的。“我们都选择,从新来过。。。the world is made of little wonders...”呵呵。好像是扯远了。



—— 真心话大冒险,六楼后座,青春,风华,人,细节,话语,花朵,酒精,秘密,小聪明。


Friday, December 03, 2004


经过了一个礼拜左右吧,我的网站终于恢复正常的浏览速度了。之前我网站所寄存的server被人hack了。所以admin把所有的资料都放在后备的server里头,导致loading speed严重的被拖慢了。一直到今天,admin才把所有的东西搬回本地的server。

之前就因为blog的loading速度太慢了,导致我没有心情去写些什么。现在一切恢复正常了,我也该去找回我的blogging spirit了。这几天的生活太闷了。根本都没什么好说的。唯一不同的是,我终于剪短了头发,摆脱了野蛮人的形象了。


About Me

My photo
Strange being -- identified as homo sapiens(male) -- ill tempered, moody, senstive(to certain things), ignorant(to most of the things), stays up at night, less expose to sunlight, fair skin, always dress in dark coloured clothes, coloured clothes doesn't fit on him. -- living with twisted mind(abnormal la that means), thus the word is driving him nuts -- I guess, i'm crazy a little =)