
Thursday, September 29, 2005

ahsang BAK KUT TEH?


I just have to blog this!!. Long waited AH SANG BAK-KUT-TEH, found it from ppl's blog. Now who wans to join me to my very own bak-kut-teh shop. You can try say that u know me, but I DONT guarenty u will get a free meal la okay?

Thursday, September 08, 2005



Midterm break已经过了一个多月了,从一开始陷入的心情低潮,到忙碌到连感伤的时间都没有,到现在,忙完了重要的FYP Part1的presentation,而变得无所事事。感觉好象很奇怪。。。人生就好像是在绕圈圈,心情尽管会起伏不定,但最终还是会回到了平静的原点,没有变得更糟,也没有变得更好。

最近想买一个camara,以前总是想要买一个DV,但后来考量到在旅行的当儿如何把录像转档烧录在CD和电脑,就不太想要了,我可不想带着一大袋的Mini DV tape 到处跑。毕竟那会影响我一向中意的simple is beautiful 风格。 :bpbpbpbpbp

买了camera之后我就可以介绍更多的美食了,也许会另辟一个food blog,届时会与另一个朋友一同“经营”。期待也希望那不会只是三分钟热度罢了。如果各位看官有好吃得的介绍,也愿意请客那就更好了。

hmm...也许因该继续回到我的project吧。毕竟离毕业也不远了,是时候brush up my skills.要不然待业的时间会很长吧。

About Me

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Strange being -- identified as homo sapiens(male) -- ill tempered, moody, senstive(to certain things), ignorant(to most of the things), stays up at night, less expose to sunlight, fair skin, always dress in dark coloured clothes, coloured clothes doesn't fit on him. -- living with twisted mind(abnormal la that means), thus the word is driving him nuts -- I guess, i'm crazy a little =)