Disclaimers: This posting would be a very very rude one, so stay away if you are not comfortable with rude and impropriate words. Dont say that I didn't warn you.
Aren't cats and dogs are cute? I always think that, yeah... they are cute under sometimes. However, not today. NO NO NO, they are not cute!!!!
Stray cat and strange neighbour dog woke me up again today. F*ck you stupid cats, calling spring is enuff, please stop annoying da F*cking dog, IT WILL BARK FOREVER if you keep staying infront of it. F*CK-headed cat[:怒りマーク:], if this happened for another time I'm considering of cooking hot water [:温泉:], and let u taste the feeling of wrath!!!
Since like few weeks ago, stray cats strarted to gather around my backyard( not really a yard) where my neighbour place their "beloved" pet dog outside, in a little cage which directly exposed to sunlight and rain. I din't blame them for doing that, I couldn't bother much also, ( I just couldn't figure out why do they wanna have a dog, which they kept in a small cage, in backyard, they could have save some money and feed their children instead.)but they could at least, TEACH da F*CKING dog to shut up and stop barking like a mad dog. THEY DID ABSOLUTE NOTHING AND KEEP LETTING DA F*CKING DOG BARK in the early morning, afternoon, evening and at night. F*ck-headed neighbours, inconsider of other's feeling.
I say f*ck those cats and dogs, stop waking people up, go far away!!!!
Bah.... I need a quality sleep.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Saturday, January 29, 2005
搞 定了lab session的实验之后,我便到沙登,大众银行附近的面档去吃我很喜欢的"tomyam"面,Yummmmmyyyyyy!!!!不要怀疑,我的头是有 点坏掉了。我竟然会在中午一点的大热天时,跑到一个用锌版extend出来的屋檐下,吹着不怎么凉快的电风扇,吃着热腾腾的、刺激无比的Tomyam面。
呵呵,吃完了面,也出完了整身的汗,可是心情指数确是直线上升。好久没体会到这种满足感了。^___________^。吃饱了,秉持着"jiak ba kun, dan ho un"的真理,回到家后,坐了一会儿,我便午睡补眠,呵呵。
hmmm... 晚餐是在一间专卖烧鱼的餐馆解决的。至于好不好吃,呵呵,下次才写出来吧。
搞 定了lab session的实验之后,我便到沙登,大众银行附近的面档去吃我很喜欢的"tomyam"面,Yummmmmyyyyyy!!!!不要怀疑,我的头是有 点坏掉了。我竟然会在中午一点的大热天时,跑到一个用锌版extend出来的屋檐下,吹着不怎么凉快的电风扇,吃着热腾腾的、刺激无比的Tomyam面。
呵呵,吃完了面,也出完了整身的汗,可是心情指数确是直线上升。好久没体会到这种满足感了。^___________^。吃饱了,秉持着"jiak ba kun, dan ho un"的真理,回到家后,坐了一会儿,我便午睡补眠,呵呵。
hmmm... 晚餐是在一间专卖烧鱼的餐馆解决的。至于好不好吃,呵呵,下次才写出来吧。
Friday, January 28, 2005
Just finished one test, Subject name was Communication 2 where we have to deal with analog and digital waveforms, fourier transform/series and stuffs like that. Did bad, coz it turned out that one of the question was more like taken from Communication 1, which I took like months ago. Crap. Focused on da wrong thing.
Got more than 1 lecturer asked us, electrical engineers to be, why we have to take such subject?? Now I know da answer, it is to screw us with shits to fillup the credit hours demanded by "board of engineering malaysia". Or else we could have graduate in 3 and a half year than 4 years right now.
Duh... tired. Now felling cacat....
enuff to say.... must rest....
Got more than 1 lecturer asked us, electrical engineers to be, why we have to take such subject?? Now I know da answer, it is to screw us with shits to fillup the credit hours demanded by "board of engineering malaysia". Or else we could have graduate in 3 and a half year than 4 years right now.
Duh... tired. Now felling cacat....
enuff to say.... must rest....
Monday, January 24, 2005
Lecturer's Fantacy
hmmm... here's da conversion occured during class today, lectured a Indian Lecturer, male one.
Lecturer was writting on whiteboard....
Then some fella, lets call him A. He was sitting at da front row turn around and took my friend's (B) handphone and A gave B a snap. *kacak* ( sound effect la)
Lecturer: what was it?
whole class laughing.
Lecturer: what was it??????
me: camera!! camera phone...
Lecturer: I hope da photo wound come out in the internet or star newspaper or wat... *laughing*
(obviously he has mistaken that da fella was taking his picture)
Friend B: Sir, we'll put it on porn site instead. kikikikikikikiihh...
Lecturer: You guys a... If you really wanna pun on da porn site let me know earlier ma, then I can wear something sexy. No body wants to look at me wearing like this ma.
whole class laughing.
Friend C: Sir, we name da site as Lecturer's fantasy la!!!
whole class ROTFLMAO!!!!! what a sick fella!!!
Lecturer: Hehe, you guys really ha... I used to do da samething when I was a student, I always tease my lecturer... Hhehe, if you really wanna make money off me I'll Kill you all!!!
wholeclass laughted again... class continue.
Lecturer was writting on whiteboard....
Then some fella, lets call him A. He was sitting at da front row turn around and took my friend's (B) handphone and A gave B a snap. *kacak* ( sound effect la)
Lecturer: what was it?
whole class laughing.
Lecturer: what was it??????
me: camera!! camera phone...
Lecturer: I hope da photo wound come out in the internet or star newspaper or wat... *laughing*
(obviously he has mistaken that da fella was taking his picture)
Friend B: Sir, we'll put it on porn site instead. kikikikikikikiihh...
Lecturer: You guys a... If you really wanna pun on da porn site let me know earlier ma, then I can wear something sexy. No body wants to look at me wearing like this ma.
whole class laughing.
Friend C: Sir, we name da site as Lecturer's fantasy la!!!
whole class ROTFLMAO!!!!! what a sick fella!!!
Lecturer: Hehe, you guys really ha... I used to do da samething when I was a student, I always tease my lecturer... Hhehe, if you really wanna make money off me I'll Kill you all!!!
wholeclass laughted again... class continue.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
隔 了一年多吧, 也许更久。我已不太记得了。我又梦到了一个我很喜欢的女孩儿。已经好久没和她在梦里见面了,呵呵(不要怀疑我!!!)。在梦里头,很神奇的,她居然会来到 她从来也不曾到过的我家找我(忘了留意太阳是不是从西边出来了)。这次的见面的感觉不错,聊得也算愉快。就在聊着聊着,她突然告诉我,她还是无法忘了她的 前男友。-_-|||。呵呵,我愣了一下,然后就搬出所谓的“老生常谈,金玉良言”,告诉她会遇到更好的人,然后……闹钟就响了。-________- |||
呵呵,是不是有点失望呢?hmmmm...不要紧,等哪天有空我也来写一篇重口味的咸湿文章 !!
上完课后,我和同学一块二去吃早餐。 (不要打我,我平时真的是不吃早餐滴!!!)
平 日上课时,总是抱着得过且过,尽量不引起lecturer注意,以免影响我逃课的机会的我,居然在上lab session时当众对那讨人厌的老师说了一声“法克“ -___-|||。同学们听到了之后并没有惊讶的反应,而是哄堂大笑。弄得我也不知道该笑还是不笑的好。(其实我在心里也是狂笑不已,想鸟他很久了)。还 好他装作没听见。我也当作没事发生。
呵呵,为啥我会胆生毛,敢敢的对他说“法克”?其实是他太龟毛了,爱抓学生的小毛病,然后显出一副“我最厉害”的样子。尤其是今天,我们明明就跟着lab sheet的procedure走,他没看起出就说"nono!!"然后检查后发现是正确的。就在他第n次这样做是,我忍不住了。呵呵,不过说实在的,骂 了出来还挺爽的!!!
隔 了一年多吧, 也许更久。我已不太记得了。我又梦到了一个我很喜欢的女孩儿。已经好久没和她在梦里见面了,呵呵(不要怀疑我!!!)。在梦里头,很神奇的,她居然会来到 她从来也不曾到过的我家找我(忘了留意太阳是不是从西边出来了)。这次的见面的感觉不错,聊得也算愉快。就在聊着聊着,她突然告诉我,她还是无法忘了她的 前男友。-_-|||。呵呵,我愣了一下,然后就搬出所谓的“老生常谈,金玉良言”,告诉她会遇到更好的人,然后……闹钟就响了。-________- |||
呵呵,是不是有点失望呢?hmmmm...不要紧,等哪天有空我也来写一篇重口味的咸湿文章 !!
上完课后,我和同学一块二去吃早餐。 (不要打我,我平时真的是不吃早餐滴!!!)
平 日上课时,总是抱着得过且过,尽量不引起lecturer注意,以免影响我逃课的机会的我,居然在上lab session时当众对那讨人厌的老师说了一声“法克“ -___-|||。同学们听到了之后并没有惊讶的反应,而是哄堂大笑。弄得我也不知道该笑还是不笑的好。(其实我在心里也是狂笑不已,想鸟他很久了)。还 好他装作没听见。我也当作没事发生。
呵呵,为啥我会胆生毛,敢敢的对他说“法克”?其实是他太龟毛了,爱抓学生的小毛病,然后显出一副“我最厉害”的样子。尤其是今天,我们明明就跟着lab sheet的procedure走,他没看起出就说"nono!!"然后检查后发现是正确的。就在他第n次这样做是,我忍不住了。呵呵,不过说实在的,骂 了出来还挺爽的!!!
Monday, January 17, 2005
我回来了!!!呵呵,就在昨天我从Gunung Ledang回来了。尽管累得要死了,不过心情还是很愉快的哦!因为这次的登山之行已经筹备了好久。从展期到cancel,再从cancel到终于起行、 再在从起行,到确定人数、,再从确定人数到准备必需物品……其过程的反复辛苦实在是不足人道。。。!!
从好久以前就对Gunung Ledang有着莫名的兴趣了,也许是应为Putri Gunung Ledang这个马来民间故事的缘故吧。就好像是人们所说的“山不在高,有仙则灵,水不在深,有龙则名”。这个民间故事给Gunung Ledang套上了一层神秘的,而且美丽的薄纱。以下则是从亚洲周刊找来的金山简介及美丽的Putri Gunung Ledang的故事。
好了,不啰嗦,马上告诉你我的Ledang之旅。这次的Ledang之旅费时两天,团员共有五人(ahsang、午夜天使、凯年、hanlin还有 muntat)。早上九点半,我们在McD吃过了早餐便从家里出发,横跨了三个州(雪兰莪、马六甲、柔佛)。经过了两小时左右我们便到达了东甲 (Tangkak),用过了简单的午餐便往Sagil的方向前进。Gunung Ledang详细的地图请看以下,预知更多详情请看这里。
前往Gunung Ledang的地图
花了大概半个多小时吧,我们一行人终于抵达了八个check point的第一个,也就是cp1,图中的人已经累垮了,呵呵,你猜得到是谁吗?
好山好水,景色幽美!!!是幽会的好所在啦,呵呵。听说有好多人上山随便找个地方就搞起来了,呵呵,只可惜当时的我们没那种心情去“liak gao, 抓猴”
离开了cp3不久,我们便到了大象谭,Kolam Gajah。这里便是我们扎营的地方了,呵呵,抵达cp4的时间已经是是下午三点多了。呵呵,起好了营以后,我们便到附近的小溪冲凉。(很抱歉,美男出浴 图不给你们看!)
准备好晚上起火用的的枯枝后我们便开始sit fan lor (makan dinner at 6 something),那时的天色已经慢慢暗下来了。向导告诉我们,将会在凌晨两点往山顶出发,并在那儿看日出。
花了两小时四十五分左右终于到达了cp8,也就是山顶,我们都尽情地呼啸,把登上顶峰的快意宣泄出 来!!!
所有团员合照,呵呵。登上了山峰,才真正感觉到登泰山而小天下的感觉。那时候的我们已经站在碧云程还要高 的地方。当时的风很大,连站都站不稳了,你可以看见多多的云层在你眼前,急速的飘过,及不断的变换形状。
Ps: Due to "popular" deman, hehe, so i decide to put the contact numbers where you can callup and book the guide.
Gunung Ledang Resort Sdn Bhd
Bt 28, Jalan Segamat
Sagil, Tangkak, Johor
(06) 977 2888, fax: (06) 977 3555
Website: http://www.ledang.com/
E-mail: ledang@tm.net.my
Gunung Ledang Johor National Park
Website: http://www.johorpark.com/ (Still under construction)
E-mail: jnpc@johorpark.com
Park manager: Francis Cheong,
E-mail: francis@johorpark.com,
012-721 3300
从好久以前就对Gunung Ledang有着莫名的兴趣了,也许是应为Putri Gunung Ledang这个马来民间故事的缘故吧。就好像是人们所说的“山不在高,有仙则灵,水不在深,有龙则名”。这个民间故事给Gunung Ledang套上了一层神秘的,而且美丽的薄纱。以下则是从亚洲周刊找来的金山简介及美丽的Putri Gunung Ledang的故事。
好了,不啰嗦,马上告诉你我的Ledang之旅。这次的Ledang之旅费时两天,团员共有五人(ahsang、午夜天使、凯年、hanlin还有 muntat)。早上九点半,我们在McD吃过了早餐便从家里出发,横跨了三个州(雪兰莪、马六甲、柔佛)。经过了两小时左右我们便到达了东甲 (Tangkak),用过了简单的午餐便往Sagil的方向前进。Gunung Ledang详细的地图请看以下,预知更多详情请看这里。

前往Gunung Ledang的地图


花了大概半个多小时吧,我们一行人终于抵达了八个check point的第一个,也就是cp1,图中的人已经累垮了,呵呵,你猜得到是谁吗?



好山好水,景色幽美!!!是幽会的好所在啦,呵呵。听说有好多人上山随便找个地方就搞起来了,呵呵,只可惜当时的我们没那种心情去“liak gao, 抓猴”


离开了cp3不久,我们便到了大象谭,Kolam Gajah。这里便是我们扎营的地方了,呵呵,抵达cp4的时间已经是是下午三点多了。呵呵,起好了营以后,我们便到附近的小溪冲凉。(很抱歉,美男出浴 图不给你们看!)

准备好晚上起火用的的枯枝后我们便开始sit fan lor (makan dinner at 6 something),那时的天色已经慢慢暗下来了。向导告诉我们,将会在凌晨两点往山顶出发,并在那儿看日出。


花了两小时四十五分左右终于到达了cp8,也就是山顶,我们都尽情地呼啸,把登上顶峰的快意宣泄出 来!!!

所有团员合照,呵呵。登上了山峰,才真正感觉到登泰山而小天下的感觉。那时候的我们已经站在碧云程还要高 的地方。当时的风很大,连站都站不稳了,你可以看见多多的云层在你眼前,急速的飘过,及不断的变换形状。

Ps: Due to "popular" deman, hehe, so i decide to put the contact numbers where you can callup and book the guide.
Gunung Ledang Resort Sdn Bhd
Bt 28, Jalan Segamat
Sagil, Tangkak, Johor
(06) 977 2888, fax: (06) 977 3555
Website: http://www.ledang.com/
E-mail: ledang@tm.net.my
Gunung Ledang Johor National Park
Website: http://www.johorpark.com/ (Still under construction)
E-mail: jnpc@johorpark.com
Park manager: Francis Cheong,
E-mail: francis@johorpark.com,
012-721 3300
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
《默语录》在不自觉之中开张了好几个月了。也是应该开香槟庆祝了。呵呵。庆贺自己还那么有耐心一直默默地写着、经营下去。其实在2003年间我就想要一个 自己的部落格了。那时候也曾向朋友介绍过这个东西。只是那时候他们对它不甚了了,也没多大的兴趣。有点冷淡的回应让我的热诚降温,也不写了。
一直到几个月前,因该是2004年九月间吧。一个急需要一个可以用文字宣泄情绪的友人开了一个叫做午夜@心情故事的部落格。这才重新找回我的部落客精神! 呵呵,不到几个月,我的Blog Template已经换了好几个了。是好事吗?呵呵。(又找到了一个很漂亮的template了,改好后就会放上来)
《默语录》开站后,一直都只有自己的几个友人来浏览+留言。直到最近,呵呵,多了一些不知打哪儿来的人来留言。 -_-" 在新加坡工作滴、在UK读书滴、在台湾滴、在mmu滴(呵呵,不列名)。呵呵,欢迎你们来看看我的部落格。谢谢你们的留言。
Ps: 如果你看到这篇文章,欢迎签到,也欢迎你们与我交换链接。
一直到几个月前,因该是2004年九月间吧。一个急需要一个可以用文字宣泄情绪的友人开了一个叫做午夜@心情故事的部落格。这才重新找回我的部落客精神! 呵呵,不到几个月,我的Blog Template已经换了好几个了。是好事吗?呵呵。(又找到了一个很漂亮的template了,改好后就会放上来)
《默语录》开站后,一直都只有自己的几个友人来浏览+留言。直到最近,呵呵,多了一些不知打哪儿来的人来留言。 -_-" 在新加坡工作滴、在UK读书滴、在台湾滴、在mmu滴(呵呵,不列名)。呵呵,欢迎你们来看看我的部落格。谢谢你们的留言。
Ps: 如果你看到这篇文章,欢迎签到,也欢迎你们与我交换链接。
Kind BUs Driver
Yup, took bus home today, instead of tumpang friend's car back. Since I got like 4 hours of free time, then i think, what da heck, might just take bus home. Anyhow, it has been ages since I last take bus back from mmu, cyberjaya.
hehe, sorry but u have to listen to my rantings... MMU is stupid, the way they arrange da timetable is freakin idiotic. The time slots are scattered from morning to evening. I wonder that is it so hard to maintain a neat and compact time schedule? ( There's wednesday/thursday class i dun remember, there are only 3 hours of class and they actually located one hour in 8am, 1 hour in 12pm and 1 hour at 4pm) The messy time table has indeed caused a heck of trouble for those who stayed off campus. They (specially me) have to stay in campus doing nothing but wasting my life, just for another class.
Hehe, so I walked myself to the MMU bustop, and waiting for bus over there. It was freakin hot coz it was 12pm at that time. I waited for like half an hour and before I hangus da bus came. I went up and HOLLY SHIT, da driver told me that I have to get da bus ticket from STAD(student affair DEPARTMENT). Wonder who implemented this stupid scheme. Hmmm... what should I do? I don't want to go back inside just to get the stupid ticket from STAD.
Hmm, I told u all that I joined Theatre class rite? So the acting skill I got came in on time. Heheh, I acted like I'm having the shock of my life and like I'm going to passout anytime. Then the Bus Driver is like freakin "kan jiong" then he said," ok la just naik and Next time remember to get da ticket 1st". So I got da free trip to go back home, without paying a cent. *grin*
Hehhe, this is da best BUS DRIVER I'd ever seen. POLITE and HELPFUL. Who said all bus drivers are recklass...(though i did see alot of crapy driver that put other ppl's life in danger). At least I met a good 1!!!
Hmm..goin to take a nap. Got class at 4pm later. Duh....
hehe, sorry but u have to listen to my rantings... MMU is stupid, the way they arrange da timetable is freakin idiotic. The time slots are scattered from morning to evening. I wonder that is it so hard to maintain a neat and compact time schedule? ( There's wednesday/thursday class i dun remember, there are only 3 hours of class and they actually located one hour in 8am, 1 hour in 12pm and 1 hour at 4pm) The messy time table has indeed caused a heck of trouble for those who stayed off campus. They (specially me) have to stay in campus doing nothing but wasting my life, just for another class.
Hehe, so I walked myself to the MMU bustop, and waiting for bus over there. It was freakin hot coz it was 12pm at that time. I waited for like half an hour and before I hangus da bus came. I went up and HOLLY SHIT, da driver told me that I have to get da bus ticket from STAD(student affair DEPARTMENT). Wonder who implemented this stupid scheme. Hmmm... what should I do? I don't want to go back inside just to get the stupid ticket from STAD.
Hmm, I told u all that I joined Theatre class rite? So the acting skill I got came in on time. Heheh, I acted like I'm having the shock of my life and like I'm going to passout anytime. Then the Bus Driver is like freakin "kan jiong" then he said," ok la just naik and Next time remember to get da ticket 1st". So I got da free trip to go back home, without paying a cent. *grin*
Hehhe, this is da best BUS DRIVER I'd ever seen. POLITE and HELPFUL. Who said all bus drivers are recklass...(though i did see alot of crapy driver that put other ppl's life in danger). At least I met a good 1!!!
Hmm..goin to take a nap. Got class at 4pm later. Duh....
Monday, January 10, 2005
Nothing is as bad as it seems, good times will come.
ps: 别再说我不懂了,你不说没人会懂。
edited 9.36am Jan 2005
Nothing is as bad as it seems, good times will come.
ps: 别再说我不懂了,你不说没人会懂。
edited 9.36am Jan 2005
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Hmm... seems that alot of blogs that I'd been surfing around gets a bit moody... or muddy.. or watever. So i decide to put a joke and hope to cheer u guys up.
Disclaimer: The things you gonna read below is 100% evil, you might laught your pants off, or die coz getting over-excited. So please hold yourself tight. You have choise not to read this. Da person who posted this entry doesn't hold any responsiblilty.
Samy Vellu was visiting India when he fell and broke
his jaw and was unable to speak.
Being the great leader that he was, he continued his
grand tour. On the last week of his visit, the RTM
crew was present for his press conference. Although
unable to speak, Samy insisted on sending a message
home to his Cabinet colleagues.
Samy caught a chicken and showed it to camera. He next
took a goat, and showed it to the camera. Finally he
took a bag and displayed in front of the camera.
Dr Ling was the first to see the video clips. He said
: "Samy is telling us that India has insufficient food
because he showed us chicken and
goat,and he wants Malaysia to donate bags of rice."
Mahathir watched silently then said: "No lah! What
Samy is trying to say is he is coming back!!!
The whole Cabinet was puzzled and look to Mahathir for
an explanation. Mahathir reasoned : "Ayam Kambing Bag"
(I am coming back!!!)
Disclaimer: The things you gonna read below is 100% evil, you might laught your pants off, or die coz getting over-excited. So please hold yourself tight. You have choise not to read this. Da person who posted this entry doesn't hold any responsiblilty.
Samy Vellu was visiting India when he fell and broke
his jaw and was unable to speak.
Being the great leader that he was, he continued his
grand tour. On the last week of his visit, the RTM
crew was present for his press conference. Although
unable to speak, Samy insisted on sending a message
home to his Cabinet colleagues.
Samy caught a chicken and showed it to camera. He next
took a goat, and showed it to the camera. Finally he
took a bag and displayed in front of the camera.
Dr Ling was the first to see the video clips. He said
: "Samy is telling us that India has insufficient food
because he showed us chicken and
goat,and he wants Malaysia to donate bags of rice."
Mahathir watched silently then said: "No lah! What
Samy is trying to say is he is coming back!!!
The whole Cabinet was puzzled and look to Mahathir for
an explanation. Mahathir reasoned : "Ayam Kambing Bag"
(I am coming back!!!)
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Blog under Heavy Modding
Good Morning!!!
Guys, heavy modding is undergoin for this blog. expect a new look in 1 day or 2. =)
Also, this site contains both english and chinese characters. If you need translation just click on the view page in english option.
I should be sleeping at this time. duh...
Guys, heavy modding is undergoin for this blog. expect a new look in 1 day or 2. =)
Also, this site contains both english and chinese characters. If you need translation just click on the view page in english option.
I should be sleeping at this time. duh...
Friday, January 07, 2005
Happy spray-day
刚才,大概十二点的时候和朋友们到对面的妈嘛档喝茶,兼庆祝我的生日。他们给我买了一个“蛋糕”(长条形的香蕉糕算不算蛋糕?)。更恶搞的是他们还在“蛋糕”上面插上中秋节剩下来的蜡烛。-_-"我在想,是不是我平常待人太差了,呵呵,如果不替我庆祝就算了,竟然买了个rm5的蛋糕来打发我。 hmmm.... deep thoughts...(anyway thanks for Hanlin and Takeshi for buying da cake. heheh)
大伙儿在妈嘛档哪里给我唱生日歌,呵呵,好像还有别桌的客人鼓掌勒.hmm...我(又)在想,难道被我人摆上台,表演些不入流的节目来博取掌声吗?呵呵,就在我闭上眼许愿的当儿,第一个supprise来了(也是唯一一个supprise la)。一个叫做Nicholas的家伙又再扮演一贯的角色,拿出party必杀武器————spray,兜头兜面的朝我脸上直喷。呵呵,我也不甘示弱的那起另外一瓶spray往他喷去。
Again, Happy spray-day to me!!!
( it was spray day rather than birthday, everyone's playing with the party spray)
Ps: nen, i want my present!!!!

My Buff-day and spray
刚才,大概十二点的时候和朋友们到对面的妈嘛档喝茶,兼庆祝我的生日。他们给我买了一个“蛋糕”(长条形的香蕉糕算不算蛋糕?)。更恶搞的是他们还在“蛋糕”上面插上中秋节剩下来的蜡烛。-_-"我在想,是不是我平常待人太差了,呵呵,如果不替我庆祝就算了,竟然买了个rm5的蛋糕来打发我。 hmmm.... deep thoughts...(anyway thanks for Hanlin and Takeshi for buying da cake. heheh)
大伙儿在妈嘛档哪里给我唱生日歌,呵呵,好像还有别桌的客人鼓掌勒.hmm...我(又)在想,难道被我人摆上台,表演些不入流的节目来博取掌声吗?呵呵,就在我闭上眼许愿的当儿,第一个supprise来了(也是唯一一个supprise la)。一个叫做Nicholas的家伙又再扮演一贯的角色,拿出party必杀武器————spray,兜头兜面的朝我脸上直喷。呵呵,我也不甘示弱的那起另外一瓶spray往他喷去。
Again, Happy spray-day to me!!!
( it was spray day rather than birthday, everyone's playing with the party spray)
Ps: nen, i want my present!!!!

My Buff-day and spray
Thursday, January 06, 2005
让寂静的街道 添几分萧瑟
我渴望自由 风一般的自由
我想…… 变成风
让寂静的街道 添几分萧瑟
我渴望自由 风一般的自由
我想…… 变成风
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
You are Uchiha Sasuke

Which Naruto Character Are You?
Test by naruto - kun.com
Hmm... just took da test and it ends up with i am uchiha sasuke, Hehe. But this result is diffrent with another test that i took somewhere else, which I was someone like Hinata, Hyuuga Hinata.
Go a head and try, see which character describes u the best. Let me know by adding it in da comment. =)
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
SMS & 'Tsu-money'
Screenshots...: SMS & 'Tsu-money': Only now they talk: "Screenshots"
SMS for an SOS: Beware of charges, deductions
Yup, please visit the link given above to have a clearer idea of what sms donation is about. Those company/organization were quick enough to come out with those sms planes and implement it like what? few days/ or even earlier, but they took such long time to clearify public's doubt.
And though through the statements they finally made about the donations, there's still not enough transparency of how the money will going to be end up. I still think that those telco's should even wave the 15cents charges by sending sms and acknowledge sms they sent us.
If they keep on charging, a simple calculation will be like this,
15cents (sms sent) + 15cent(acknowledged msg recieved) + (rm whatever).
Lets hope that all our donations will reach the victim's hand. Lets hope that no one is planning to "steal" the tsumoney that we'd donated. Lets hope that those people/company/organization who wants to take advantage of these tsumoney perish in no time.
updated on 5th Jan 2005:
please visit da link above, more info updated.
SMS for an SOS: Beware of charges, deductions
Yup, please visit the link given above to have a clearer idea of what sms donation is about. Those company/organization were quick enough to come out with those sms planes and implement it like what? few days/ or even earlier, but they took such long time to clearify public's doubt.
And though through the statements they finally made about the donations, there's still not enough transparency of how the money will going to be end up. I still think that those telco's should even wave the 15cents charges by sending sms and acknowledge sms they sent us.
If they keep on charging, a simple calculation will be like this,
15cents (sms sent) + 15cent(acknowledged msg recieved) + (rm whatever).
Lets hope that all our donations will reach the victim's hand. Lets hope that no one is planning to "steal" the tsumoney that we'd donated. Lets hope that those people/company/organization who wants to take advantage of these tsumoney perish in no time.
updated on 5th Jan 2005:
please visit da link above, more info updated.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
2004 总结
Life is complicated, but I'm trying to live it simple.
Life is complicated, but I'm trying to live it simple.
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- ahsang
- Strange being -- identified as homo sapiens(male) -- ill tempered, moody, senstive(to certain things), ignorant(to most of the things), stays up at night, less expose to sunlight, fair skin, always dress in dark coloured clothes, coloured clothes doesn't fit on him. -- living with twisted mind(abnormal la that means), thus the word is driving him nuts -- I guess, i'm crazy a little =)