
Friday, January 07, 2005

Happy spray-day


刚才,大概十二点的时候和朋友们到对面的妈嘛档喝茶,兼庆祝我的生日。他们给我买了一个“蛋糕”(长条形的香蕉糕算不算蛋糕?)。更恶搞的是他们还在“蛋糕”上面插上中秋节剩下来的蜡烛。-_-"我在想,是不是我平常待人太差了,呵呵,如果不替我庆祝就算了,竟然买了个rm5的蛋糕来打发我。 hmmm.... deep thoughts...(anyway thanks for Hanlin and Takeshi for buying da cake. heheh)

大伙儿在妈嘛档哪里给我唱生日歌,呵呵,好像还有别桌的客人鼓掌勒.hmm...我(又)在想,难道被我人摆上台,表演些不入流的节目来博取掌声吗?呵呵,就在我闭上眼许愿的当儿,第一个supprise来了(也是唯一一个supprise la)。一个叫做Nicholas的家伙又再扮演一贯的角色,拿出party必杀武器————spray,兜头兜面的朝我脸上直喷。呵呵,我也不甘示弱的那起另外一瓶spray往他喷去。




Again, Happy spray-day to me!!!
( it was spray day rather than birthday, everyone's playing with the party spray)

Ps: nen, i want my present!!!!

My Buff-day and spray


windz said...



六月 said...


ahsang said...

Thanks for da greetings. Heheh, I'm blessed. A-men!!

Anonymous said...

生日快乐~~哎,对不起啦,迟来的祝福。。。因为前几天我都待在医院,不能上线 =。= 祝福虽迟,诚意可没少噢,衷心的祝你 happy happy belated birthday!!! 你知道我是谁的 =〕

ahsang said...

dear Anonymous that i know who u are:
why you got yourself into hospital? still sick ar? Okay i share da "bless" that I got from other friends to you la. Hope you get well soon. Hehehe, cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ps: I was waiting u to greet me ler, ehheeh, tot you were bz or wat.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to wish u on 7th Jan as well,but in hosp it's not allowed to on the hp. Then i curi-curi on but there was no signal....duh... =( So until yesterday only can wish u....really sorry ya~~ Tell u next time bout my story how i get into hosp,these few days will b really bz as there are 2 projects and labs goin on. Got 'fate' then we chat lar,haha.... Till then, take care k? All the best~~ =)

About Me

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Strange being -- identified as homo sapiens(male) -- ill tempered, moody, senstive(to certain things), ignorant(to most of the things), stays up at night, less expose to sunlight, fair skin, always dress in dark coloured clothes, coloured clothes doesn't fit on him. -- living with twisted mind(abnormal la that means), thus the word is driving him nuts -- I guess, i'm crazy a little =)